March 27, 2023 GAI Cyber Solutions


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that defines requirements related to the collection and processing of personally identifiable information (PII) for individuals who live in the European Union (EU).

  • About GDPR
  • Services
  • Why GAI
  • GAI Compliance
  • Contact

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that defines requirements related to the collection and processing of personally identifiable information (PII) for individuals who live in the European Union (EU).

GDPR Requirements include:

  • Lawful and Transparent Processing
  • Data Subject Rights
  • Data Breach Notification
  • Data Protection Officer
  • Privacy by Design
  • Consent
  • Data Limitation of Purpose and Storage
  • Data Transfers
  • Data Protection Impact Assessments
  • Awareness and Training

Data Map

Examine all the locations and types of PII that your organization stores, process and transmits. This will allow us to properly scope and focus compliance efforts.

Data Privacy Impact Assessment

Determine the amount of and level of sensitivity of all relevant PII your organization is responsible for. The assessment will determine impacts if Confidentiality, Integrity or Availability of PII was compromised.

GDPR Gap Analysis

Conduct assessment procedures across the GDPR relevant portions of your network.  Our team will identify any compliance deficiencies and document them in a report.

GDPR Finding Remediation

Implement any safeguards that are needed as a result of the gap analysis findings. Our team will work with your organization to find the most cost effective and efficient means to become compliant.

Ongoing GDPR Monitoring

Conduct ongoing annual or ad-hoc assessment to re-validate your GDPR compliance. Networks and the data on them change frequently, our team will make sure it doesn’t affect the status of your compliance.


GDPR Consulting Engagements Completed


Client Satisfaction


Billions in fines saved from identifying data breach & non-compliance factors

GAI Compliance Solutions.

Governance, Strategy and Risk

Design. Implement. Execute.

Vulnerability Scanning

Identify. Investigate. Remediate.

Penetration Testing

Proactively protect your assets and your data.

Ready to get started?

GAI Cyber Solutions, LLC is a U.S. based company located in Northern Virginia. We offer a variety of Cybersecurity Services with an emphasis on bringing cybersecurity expertise to the recruitment arena.

We welcome you to contact us for more information about our top-tier compliance solutions. Together we can make a difference in the compliance journey.


Let's work together!

We welcome you to contact us for more information about any of our compliance solutions or consulting services.

GAI Cyber Solutions, LLC is a U.S. based company located in Northern Virginia. We offer a variety of Cybersecurity Services with an emphasis on bringing cybersecurity expertise to the recruitment arena.

Mission: GAI strives to provide cost-effective cybersecurity expertise across a multitude of domains to both Federal and Commercial entities.

Vision: To bring cybersecurity services and awareness to organizations regardless of industry, size, and location so they may securely carry out their missions.

CALL: 703-626-8388
