March 27, 2023 GAI Cyber Solutions


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) outlines the legal requirements regarding the use and disclosure of protected health information (PHI).

  • About HIPPA
  • Services
  • Why GAI
  • GAI Compliance
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The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) outlines the legal requirements regarding the use and disclosure of protected health information (PHI).

HIPPA defines two groups of organizations that need to be compliant:

Covered Entities: Any organization that directly collects, creates, or transmits electronic PHI. Most commonly: health care providers and health insurance providers.

Business Associates: Any organization that encounters PHI over the course of work they have been contracted to perform by a covered entity. This often manifests as a business associate storing, processing or transmitting PHI on behalf of a covered entity. Common business associates include: third party service providers, independent consultants, hosting companies, and attorneys.

There are several rules that these groups must adhere to:

Privacy Rule: Only applies to Covered Entities and defines patients’ right to PHI.

Security Rule: Applies to both Covered Entities and Business Associates and outlines security safeguards, policies and procedures that must be implemented.

Breach Notification Rule: Applies to both Covered Entities and Business Associates and defines breach notification requirements depending on the size and scope of a breach.

Omnibus Rule: An addendum to HIPPA, it requires that all business associates must be HIPPA compliant and requires Business Associated Agreements to be in place between a covered entity and a business associate prior to the sharing or transfer of PHI.



The GAI Cyber team has substantial expertise in navigating the various pitfalls surround HIPPA compliance. The most perilous of which is often inevitable: data breaches. Our team will evaluate your current security posture and existing compliance with HIPPA and tailor a roadmap that minimizes your risk surface to threat of non-compliancy.

Security Assessment

Our team will validate your compliance with the HIPPA requirements and issue a detailed Report documenting your alignment with the regulation and any remedial actions that need to be taken.


HIPPA Consulting Engagements Completed


HIPPA Assessments Conducted


Billions in fines saved from the identification of data breach vectors

GAI Compliance Solutions.

Governance, Strategy and Risk

Design. Implement. Execute.

Vulnerability Scanning

Identify. Investigate. Remediate.

Penetration Testing

Proactively protect your assets and your data.

Ready to get started?

GAI Cyber Solutions, LLC is a U.S. based company located in Northern Virginia. We offer a variety of Cybersecurity Services with an emphasis on bringing cybersecurity expertise to the recruitment arena.

We welcome you to contact us for more information about our top-tier compliance solutions. Together we can make a difference in the compliance journey.


Let's work together!

We welcome you to contact us for more information about any of our compliance solutions or consulting services.

GAI Cyber Solutions, LLC is a U.S. based company located in Northern Virginia. We offer a variety of Cybersecurity Services with an emphasis on bringing cybersecurity expertise to the recruitment arena.

Mission: GAI strives to provide cost-effective cybersecurity expertise across a multitude of domains to both Federal and Commercial entities.

Vision: To bring cybersecurity services and awareness to organizations regardless of industry, size, and location so they may securely carry out their missions.

CALL: 703-626-8388
