October 22, 2022 GAI Cyber Solutions

Payment Card Industry
Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

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The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a security standard that applies to organizations that handle credit card information. Annual audits are required to validate compliance and varies in nature depending on the quantity of transactions that an organization handles. Organizations that handle smaller volumes of data are able to self-assess, answer a detailed Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) and attest to their compliance. Organizations that are handling large amounts of transactions must undergo an independent audit by a PCI DSS Qualified Security Assessor (QSA). 

  • Level 1: Merchants that process over 6 million card transactions annually.
  • Level 2: Merchants that process 1 to 6 million transactions annually.
  • Level 3: Merchants that process 20,000 to 1 million transactions annually.
  • Level 4: Merchants that process fewer than 20,000 transactions annually.

The GAI Cyber team operates as PCI DSS consultants. Our team will assist your organization:

  • Analyzing and optimizing PCI data architecture
  • Creating Documentation, Policies and Procedures
  • Choosing the proper SAQ
  • Validating control safeguards are operating as intended
  • Conducting Gap Analysis and Remediation Activities
  • Selecting a PCI DSS QSA Company for Audit

GAI Cyber partners with several different PCI QSA companies who provide formal audits for firms processing large quantities of transactions. This ensures there is no conflict of interest between our consultative services and the work of an independent security assessor.

Contact a Cybersecurity Expert.

Are you ready to start your compliance journey? GAI Cyber is ready to assist with any of your compliance, cybersecurity, and privacy needs.

GAI Compliance Solutions.

Governance, Strategy and Risk

Design. Implement. Execute.

Vulnerability Scanning

Identify. Investigate. Remediate.

Penetration Testing

Proactively protect your assets and your data.

Governance, Strategy and Risk

Design. Implement. Execute.

Vulnerability Scanning

Identify. Investigate. Remediate.

Penetration Testing

Proactively protect your assets and your data.

Vulnerability Scanning

Identify. Investigate. Remediate.

Penetration Testing

Proactively protect your assets and your data.


Cybersecurity Training

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GAI Cyber offers a variety of training courses for certifications and cybersecurity topics. Classes are taught through online delivery format, as well as in person – at one of our training locations or on client site. Contact us for details about training course availability and scheduling.


Let's work together!

We welcome you to contact us for more information about any of our compliance solutions or consulting services.

GAI Cyber Solutions, LLC is a U.S. based company located in Northern Virginia. We offer a variety of Cybersecurity Services with an emphasis on bringing cybersecurity expertise to the recruitment arena.

Mission: GAI strives to provide cost-effective cybersecurity expertise across a multitude of domains to both Federal and Commercial entities.

Vision: To bring cybersecurity services and awareness to organizations regardless of industry, size, and location so they may securely carry out their missions.

CALL: 703-626-8388
